Luke Adams | Fuel

Quick & Easy 1-Tray Red Pepper & Tomato Pasta Bake


I love this recipe. It’s incredibly basic, but for how easy it is, you get a lot of flavour.

This is a cracking recipe if you are working from home and need to get dinner on between calls or when you are just genuinely busy and need something with minimal fuss. It’s also a great one to have up your sleeve to have pre-training or even if you are carbohydrate-loading the day before a sporting event.


  • 350-400g of Protein of Choice (e.g. Tofu, Chicken, Sausages etc.)
  • 400 – 500g of Fresh Pasta
  • 200-300g of Cherry Tomatoes
  • 1Red Pepper
  • 2-3 Tablespoons of Soy Sauce
  • 1 Tablespoon of Honey
  • 1 Tablespoon of Hummus
  • 1 Teaspoon of Oregano
  • A Small Handful of Raisins
  • Sea Salt

To Serve (Optional)

Greek Yogurt


1. Get your oven on roughly 180-200 degrees and boil the kettle.

2. Grab yourself a large baking tray (preferably one like in the image above with high edges). Add a small bit of oil (roughly a teaspoon) to the tray and just grease the inside of it. Use some kitchen paper to spread it around the tray evenly if you need to.

3. Chop up your protein into bit-sized pieces. if you are using meat or fish, please use a separate chopping board to the vegetables in the next step. Make sure you wash it well in soapy hot water after use to avoid any cross contamination. Add your protein to the tray.

3. Chop up your pepper into long strips. Add these to the tray along with the cherry tomatoes.

4. Tray into the oven for 40 minutes.

5. While this happening, get a large bowl and add the fresh pasta. Carefully pour over the boiling water from kettle and cover the pasta. Add a teaspoon of salt here and mix well. We are just giving the pasta a bit of a hand here to rehydrate before it goes into the oven. You can leave this sit while the veg and protein are cooking away.

6. After 40 minutes or once you know the protein is cooked, take the tray out of the oven. Add the pasta along with the remaining ingredients above and mix well until combined. While you are mixing, dont be afraid to mass up the tomatoes a little to create a sauce. You can also add a couple of