Luke Adams | Fuel

My ‘Sort Of’ Scrambled Eggs


For me, I really love the combination of yogurt and eggs. As someone who doesn’t eat meat, combining the two is a great way to up my protein intake, but I also feel the flavour combination just works really well. The savouriness of the eggs just seem to complements the smooth texture and flavour of the yogurt really well. Surprisingly, this is a flavour combination used in a-lot of meals such as Turkish Çılbır, Shakshuka and many more dishes, so while it may be slightly foreign to some people on their first go, it’s worth giving it a chance. This is a really lovely quick recipe I love that you can pimp out who you like it. Enjoy!


  • 2 Slice of Good Bread
  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 Tablespoons of Yogurt
  • 1 Teaspoon of Hummus
  • Black Pepper
  • Salt
  • Mango Chutney (Optional)


1. Get your frying pan on full whack with a little bit of oil.

2. In a bowl, mix/scramble the eggs, hummus and yogurt together. Add a pinch of salt and pepper here.

3. Hover your hand over the pan (don’t touch it directly or you will burn yourself). You should be able to feel the heat of the pan as you hover over it. If so, it’s ready. Add in your egg and yogurt mixture. As it hits the pan, you should hear a bit of a sizzle. Once you hear this, turn the heat off. If you feel it is starting to catch (i.e. the bottom of the egg mixture is going brown) you can take it off the heat for a couple of minutes and wait for the pan to cool down and then return it to the hot hob. From here, just keep moving the mixture around the pan until it goes from a runny/watery consistency, to something a bit more solid, but still moist. We are looking to cook this at a very gentle heat and want to get it to a nice fluffy texture that is not too wet or too dry.

4. Once you are happy with the mixture, get your bread and add a dolup of mango chutney to each slice and spread evenly. I like to not toast my bread here, but feel free to do so if you wish.

5. Add the eggs to the bread and enjoy!